SN/T 2592.2-2010.Determination of organotin compounds in electrical and electronic equipment-Part 2 :Screening by Fourier transform infrared spectrome
SN/T 4549-2016.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities-Removable head tinplate can. 1范围 SN/T 4549规定了出口商品运输包装开口马口铁罐的抽样、检
SN/T 4551-2016.Management requirements for inspection and quarantine of transit grain. 1范围 SN/T 4551规定了过境粮食的检验检疫程序及管理要求。 SN/T 4551适用于过境粮食的检验检疫及监督管理。 2
SN/T 4568-2016.Determination of perfluoralkyl iodides content-Gas chromatography mass spectrometry. 1范围 SN/T 4568本标准规定了全氟烷基碘产品含量的气相色谱质谱测定方法。 2方法提要 试样经
SN/T 4585-2016.Determination of methylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid residue in foods for export-LC-ICP-MS method. 1范围 SN/T 4585规定了食品中甲基砷酸、二甲次胂
SN/T 4656.1-2016.Biosafety testing methods of the textiles for import and export-Part 1 :Candida albicans. 1范围 SN/T 4656.1规定了进出口纺织品中白假丝酵母菌的定性定量检验方法。 S
SN/T 4656.2-2016.Biosafety testing methods of the textiles for import and export-Part 2 :Escherichia coli. 1范围 SN/T 4656.2规定了进出口纺织品中大肠埃希氏菌的定量检验方法。 SN/
SN/T 4656.4-2016.Biosafety testing methods of the textiles for import and export-Part 4:Sta phylococcus aureus. 1范围 SN/T 4656.4规定了进出口纺织品中金黄色葡萄球菌的定性.定量
SN/T 4656.5-2016.Biosafety testing methods of the textiles for import and export-Part 5: Aerobic bacterial. 1范围 SN/T 4656.5规定了进出口纺织品中菌落总数的检验方法。 SN/T 4
SN/T 4525.8-2016.Multilocus sequence typing detection method for pathogens in export food-Part 8: Enterovirulent Escherichia coli. 1范围 SN/T 4525.8规定了出
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