YY/T 0127.17-2014.Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry-Part 17: Mouse lymphoma cells (TK) gene mutation test. c) 将培养后的细胞以200g离心5
YY/T 1471-2016.Requirements and tests for indomethacin rubber used for Cu-IUD. YY/T 1471规定了含铜宫内节育器用含吲哚美辛硅橡胶(以下简称吲哚美辛硅橡胶)的材料要求.试验方法和贮存。 YY/T 1471适用于含铜宫
YY/T 1408-2016.Performance characteristics and test methods of imaging system of single photon emission and X-ray computed tomograph. YY/T 1408规定了单光子发
YY/T 1407-2016.Performance characteristics and test methods of image system for radiotherapy simulator. 5.2.2帧频 制造商应在随机文件中给出数字平板探测器的最大帧频及对应的图像矩阵和像素尺寸。
YY/T 1414-2016.Liquid line solenoid valve for haemodialysis equipment. 5.4.1正 压试验 在电磁阀处于关闭状态下,将电磁阀进口端连接于压力测试装置上,并使进口端管路内部充满反渗水。除与压力测试装置连接的接口外,其他接口均应与大
YY/T 1404-2016.Requirements and tests for copper used for IUD. 1范围 YY/T 1404规定了含铜宫内节育器用铜的化学成分、要求和试验方法。 YY/T 1404适用于含铜宫内节育器使用的铜管和铜丝原材料。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于
YY/T 1411-2016/ISO/TS 11080:2009.Dentistry- Essential characteristics of test methods for the evaluation of treatment methods intended to improve or m
YY/T 1287.1-2016.Intracranial external drainage system-Part 1:Collecting sets for external drainage by intracranial puncture. YY/T1287的本部分规定了颅脑外引流系统中的
YY/T 1416.2-2016.Test method for additive in single -use containers for human venous blood specimen collection-Part 2 :Sodium citrate. YY/T 1416的本部分给出
YY/T 1416.1-2016.Test method for additive in single-use containers for human venous blood specimen collection- Part 1 : Ethylene diamine tetraacetic a
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