


  • 类别:英语演讲稿
  • 行业:演讲稿
  • 更新时间:2023-05-24 17:23:39
  • 平台: 全平台(PC+手机)
  • 大小:10 KB
  • 格式:doc
竞选班长演讲稿英语   班长即一班之长,班长是班级在学校的.代表,班长的形象直接影响班集体的形象,因此对班长综合素质要求都很高,班长需要有良好的道德修养,对外积极表现自己,同时加强与其他班级的联系。以下是竞选班长演讲稿英语,欢迎阅读。  竞选班长演讲稿英语1  Good evening, everyone.I am xx.Today I stand on the platform for only one purpose: to run for monitor.  I know that because of my poor performance in the past year, I don't believe that I have the ability to manage a class, but I want to tell you.After a summer of exercise and growth, I was strong, really grown and mature.I believe that in the next academic year, I will use my actual actions to prove to you that I am not false today.Please give me a chance to prove myself.  To explain to you why I am going to run for monitor of the class, because I am eager to mature, I urgently need a communication with you to solve the problem of a team of va……(阅读全文)

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